Here we are at the end of September already! The leaves are changing and after a few frosty nights it's been warm and even humid again.
We have still been enjoying our outdoor "knitting room" thanks to my husband's plastic wrapping and bringing an outdoor propane heater.

UFO# 32 is Summer Halo,
A lovely Top-Down shirt with a bit of lace around the neck line and seed stitch trim. Knit in NAKO Fiore, a Linen, Cotton and Bamboo blend makes it a cool summer top.

UFO# 33 is A Circular Tunic,
I started this when the magazine Knit Wear Spring/Summer 2014 came out. I love non-traditional garment construction and have quite a few cardigans knit from the centre out. Basically you knit a doily and add armholes and sleeves for a cardigan or you knit two doilies and sew them together for a top. How fun is that? This one was knit in Garden Metallic, a mercerized Giza crochet cotton with a metallic thread for a little bling. Only one side was done and then something else caught my eye and it was put aside.... and that's how I end up with 80+ UFO's!!!

UFO# 34 is The Zen Shawl,
A fun top-down triangular shawl started in 2018 when Berroco came out with Pixel, a Superwash DK in self-striping colours.

You can tell the cooler weather is (was) here by what I finished off next:
UFO#35 is Rowell Mitts,
When I sit at the computer for longer periods my hands get really cold and I wear fingerless gloves like these. Knit in Drops Baby Alpaca Silk these mitts are little luxuries for your hands. I extended the thumb a bit from the original pattern. A fun knit with a chevron pattern on the outside and ribbing on the inside for a good fit.

UFO# 36 is a Log Cabin Blanket on the needles since 2015.
This pattern is a made up version of the many patterns on Ravelry. Once you knit one blanket you get addicted to the TV Garter Stitch knitting. The added bonus of knitting a blanket? As it gets bigger it keeps your lap warm, not recommended for summer knitting ;). Log cabin blankets can be knit in any weight yarn and many different colours (great for using up left-overs). For this one I chose Cascade Yarns, Pacific Chunky, colour #618, a blue-green marble.
This picture was taken after a frosty night, on a lovely clear morning.

And continuing with the cooler temperature knits, UFO# 37 is Chris's Alpaca Hat.
Picket out by him in Vienna at Laniato, a Wool Cafe, started in Vienna and put aside like many other UFO's, it finally got finished a couple of weeks ago. It's done early for his birthday in December (or is it a year late?). Knit in Apaka Exklusiv, Eco Line, a 100% Baby Alpaca chainette yarn. Very soft and cozy!

UFO#38 is my second Oxygen, by Heidi K;
My first one was knit in Knit Picks Billow in 100% cotton. This one is knit in Fleece Artist Scotian Silk, a 65% Wool, 35% Silk blend. A few years ago I inherited a dear friend's yarn stash and in it were two Celtic Cardigan kits; one in pink and one in blue. I started with the pink (Oxygen is a top-down knit) and after 2/3's I started to blend in the blue, changing colours every 2 rows a few times.
I'm really loving this cardigan in these colours from the yarn of my dear friend Jeanette.

UFO#39 is a pair of Felted Mittens knit in Noro Kureyon from a made-up pattern.
Two balls of Kueryon make a pair of mittens and once they are felted they are almost waterproof and very cozy. I used to knit them in the car, one at a time on double pointed needles, when I waited for my son to finish his Kumon. One year everyone in the family received a pair of felted walking mitts. Now I knit them like socks, two at a time on two circular needles; much more efficient!
I have a whole bin full of Kureyon so that last year in the fall I offered a mittens or hat felting class that included the yarn. OK, so technically they are not completely finished because they are not felted yet, but they are finished with the knitting process and I am waiting until I have a few items to felt together, ok?

UFO# 40 is another pair of felted mittens (see what I mean?), Polar Stripes,
Knit in Sandnes Garn Tove, a Sport weight 100% wool yarn. In this picture you can see the first pair already felted with the unfelted pair below. I still have enough yarn to make another pair.
The funny thing is that there are about 3 years between the two pairs and I knit them almost the same with the apple green for the hand and the thumb tip!!!

The kids came for a visit in August and little Benjamin is sporting Henry's Sweater, knit in Rowan Superwash Worsted, while admiring the cushions Vivienne sewed for me.
Isn't he just the cutest at 10 months? Yes, the sweater barely fits, was made for his older brother who never got it, but that's not the point, is it?!?!?!

With this I bid you farewell! I'm caught up again on my UFO's (we're going into week 40), the sign is up, the sun is shining and everyone is healthy! What more could I ask for?

Until next time, (hopefully with an update on finished projects from our summer classes)
Stay well and keep those needles and hooks moving!
Happy and Productive knitting